Sponsor Information


Name: Armand Gavino

Location: - Philippines

Tel No. :

This Agreement is made by and between OneVitaLife (“Our Site”) and you (“The Client”).
This Agreement applies to both the Site and trading platform, and to any and all electronic content and/or software currently contained on the Site that provides real-time information on exchange rates of currencies and the program transaction services on the forex and stock market via internet, telephone or fax and any other features, content or services that OneVitaLife may add later or remove (the “Services”).
3. Membership Eligibility
Services are available and reserved only for individuals or businesses that can establish a legally binding contract under the laws applicable in their country of residence. Without limiting the undermentioned Terms, our Services are not available to people aged under 18 or who have not attained the legal age (“Minors”). If you are a minor, you cannot use this Service.
To avoid any doubt, we disclaim any liability for unauthorized use by minors of our Services in any manner. In addition, our Services are available only for people who have experience and sufficient knowledge in financial matters, are able to evaluate the benefits and risks of acquiring financial contracts via this Site. You are solely responsible for any decision and/or action made by you on Our Site or elsewhere based on the content of or communication from this Site or its affiliates, operators, employees, associates, colleagues, or any other connected or relevant services.
4. Registration Information and Requirements
Upon registration, clients are required to provide certain identifying information. Please contact your OneVitaLife representative for the most recent, up-to-date details of these requirements. You alone are responsible for the security of your account’s login and password with OneVitaLife. You are solely responsible for all action or inaction taken on your OneVitaLife trading account. You are solely responsible for any potential damage caused by reason of any act or omission resulting in improper or illegal use of your account.
You agree with the requirement to provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself during the registration process. You agree to not misrepresent yourself or  impersonate another person or entity, and not to hide your legal identity from OneVitaLife for any reason whatsoever. If you register as a commercial entity, you declare that you have the required authorization and legal authority to bind that entity to this Agreement and to OneVitaLife.
OneVitaLife carefully treats the information and data that you provide to us, according to the disclosure of information, during the registration process, and according to our posted Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and other relevant and authorized written correspondence.
5. Services Offered
The Trading Platform supplied by OneVitaLife enables trading of different currencies, commodities, forex, indices and stocks as well as any other financial instruments made available by the Company (all hereof: “Financial Instruments”). The Trading Platform displays indicative quotes of exchange rates of different financial instruments pairs, based on different financial information systems, as the most live and accurate exchange rates in the international markets. For determining the quotes for different time periods, the platform is making mathematical analytic calculations according to known and accepted capital markets formulas. It is acknowledged by both The Client and The Company  that due to different calculation methods and other circumstances, different trading platforms and/or markets may display different price quotes.
The Client will receive a predetermined pay-out if his transaction expires in-the-money and he will lose a predetermined amount of his investment in the Transaction if the option expires out-of-the-money. The predetermined amounts are a derivative of the collateral invested in the transaction by the Client, and will be published in the Trading Platform, in advance of the Client actioning said transaction. The degree to which the option is in-the-money or out-of-the-money does not matter as it does with a traditional options, in regards to the payout structure.
The Company does warrant that trading in the Trading Account will be available at all times.
The Client authorizes the Company to rely and act on any order, request, instruction or other communication in regards to action taken on the Client’s account given or made (or purporting to be given or made) by the Client or any person authorized on the Client’s behalf, without further inquiry on the part of the Company as to the authenticity, genuineness, authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such order, request, instruction or other communication. The Client will be responsible for and will be bound by all obligations entered into or assumed by the Company on behalf of the Client in consequence of or in connection with such orders, requests, instructions or other communication.
The Company has the right, but not the obligation, to set, at its absolute discretion, limits and/or parameters to control the Client’s ability to place orders or to restrict the terms on which a Transaction may be made. Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by the Company and may include (without limitation): (i) controls over maximum order amounts and maximum order sizes; (ii) controls over total exposure of the Company to the Client; (iii) controls over prices at which orders may be submitted (including, without limitation, controls over orders which are at a price which differs greatly from the market price at the time the order is submitted to the Company’s order book); (iv) controls over any electronic services provided by the Company to the Client (including, without limitation, any verification procedures to ensure that any particular order or orders has come from the Client); or (v) any other limits, parameters or controls which the Company may be required to. The Company may, in addition, require the Client to limit the number of open Transactions which the Client may have with the Company at any time.
The Company does not allow actions or non-actions based on arbitrage calculations or other methods that are based on exploitation of different systems or platforms malfunction, delay, error etc.
The Company is entitled, by its own discretion, to cancel any trade that has been executed due or in connection with an error, system malfunction, breach of This Agreement by Client etc. The Company’s records will serve as decisive evidence to the correct quotes in the world capital markets and the wrong quotes given to the Client; The Company is entitled to correct or cancel any trade based according to the correct quotes.
Reporting – The Client can see his open trades (“Positions”) and guarantee funds situation at any time by accessing his Trading Account in the Company’s platform and viewing past trade’s reports generated by the Company. No hard-copy reports are sent.
6. Bonus Policy
The Company may offer a number of attractive reward features and promotions, including welcome bonuses, contests, and awards to new or existing customers. Bonuses and trading credits awarded to clients are part of The Company’s promotions programs. These bonuses are limited time offers and the Terms & Conditions associated with any bonus rewards are subject to change from time to time.
Bonuses and profits that are based, even partially, on use of bonus credit, shall be forfeited in case the Company suspects any act of fraud or breach of the Company’s Terms & Conditions by Client.
In order to withdraw funds from an account that has been credited with a trading bonus, the trader will be required to execute a minimum trading volume of (Bonus Amount x 30).
Funds can only be withdrawn when the preceding stipulation has been fully met and fulfilled. All trading bonuses are final and a trading bonus cannot be removed once it has been credited to an account.
7. Legal Restrictions
Without limiting the undermentioned provisions, you understand that laws and legalities regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world and it is your personal responsibility to make sure that you properly comply with any and all laws, regulations or guidelines in your country of residence regarding the use of Our Site. To avoid any doubt, your ability to access Our Site does not necessarily imply, convey or state that our Services and/or your activities through the Site are legal under the laws, regulations or directives that are relevant to your country and governing body of residence.
You hereby declare that the money in your account with OneVitaLife does not come from money laundering, drug trafficking, kidnapping or other illegal or criminal activity.
8. Limited License
OneVitaLife grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Site (the “License”). The License is subject to your compliance with the terms of this Agreement. You agree not to resell or make available the Site to any other person, and not to copy any documents contained on the Site for resale or for any other purpose without the prior written consent of OneVitaLife.
To avoid any doubt, you will be liable and bound by any unauthorized use of the Site in violation of this section. You agree to use all the information received from the information systems OneVitaLife for the sole purpose of performing transactions in the only limits of the Site.
You also agree not to use electronic communication feature of a Service on the Site for any illegal, abusive, intrusive, obscene, threatening or hateful purpose, harassment or vilification in the privacy of others. The License granted hereunder shall terminate if OneVitaLife considers that any information provided by you, including your e-mail, is no longer current or accurate, or if you fail to comply with any term or condition of This Agreement and all rules and guidelines for each Service. It will be the same if OneVitaLife determines that you committed a crime on the OneVitaLife trading platform (including, without limitation, the conclusion of a transaction outside the market rates).
If such a violation occurs, you agree to cease accessing the Services. You agree that OneVitaLife, in its sole discretion and with or without notice, may terminate your access to all or part of the Services, close any open transaction, and remove and/or discard any information or content within a Service.
9. Risk Disclosure
You agree to use the Site at your own risk.
Without limiting the undermentioned provisions, the services provided on this site are intended only to customers who are able to withstand the loss of any money they invest and who understand the risks and have experience in taking risks in financial markets. The possibility exists that you could endure a loss of some or all of your initial investment and hence you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks related to binary options trading, and solicit advice from an independent financial adviser should you have any doubts.
Without derogating from the above-mentioned provision, we disclaim any responsibility for auditing and/or checking your level of knowledge and/or experience, and any liability for damages and/or loss suffered as a direct and/or indirect result from your use of or communication with the Site or its affiliates, associates, operators, employees, colleagues, or any other connected or relevant services. This additionally applies to any transaction, action, inaction, communication and/or use of Our Services. Without limiting the above-mentioned provisions, our Services are not available in areas where their use is illegal and OneVitaLife reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel access to its Services to anyone at the sole convenience and discretion of OneVitaLife and its affiliates, operators, employees, associates, colleagues, or any other connected or relevant services.
10. Financial Information
Through one or more of its Services, OneVitaLife can make available to you a wide range of financial information that is internally generated from agents, employees, affiliates, suppliers or partners (“Third Party Providers”).
This includes, but is not limited to: financial market data, quotes and news, analyst opinions and research reports, graphs and data (“Financial Information”).
The financial information provided on this Site is intended to be advice, not cause for action. OneVitaLife offers financial information only as a service. The client and the client alone is responsible for taking any action or inaction on their account, including but not limited to: deposits, withdrawals, and trades. OneVitaLife and its Third-Party Providers do not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequencing of the financial information, or results of your use of this financial information. The financial information may promptly become unreliable for various reasons, including, for instance, changes in market conditions, volatility, liquidity, time of day or economic circumstances. Neither OneVitaLife nor the Third Party Providers are required to update the information or opinions included in the financial information, and we have the right to interrupt the flow of financial information at any time without notice.
It is your responsibility as a trader to verify the reliability of the information on the Site and its suitability for your investment needs. We exclude all liability for any claim, damages or loss of any kind caused by information contained in the Site, shared with the Site’s employees, staff, management, affiliates or related bodies or referenced by the Site.
11. Links
OneVitaLife may offer a link to other websites that are provided or controlled by third parties. Such links to a site or sites is neither an endorsement nor an approval nor a sponsorship nor an affiliation to such site, its owners or its suppliers. OneVitaLife recommends that you make sure you understand the risks associated with the use of such sites before retrieving, contacting, using or purchasing via the Internet. You, the trader, are solely responsible for maintaining up-to-date information and relevant knowledge on risk and legalities pertaining to the above-stated.
Links to these sites are provided solely for your convenience and you agree not to hold OneVitaLife responsible for any loss or damage due to the use or reliance on any content, products or services available on Our Site or any other sites.
12. Account Cancellation Policy
OneVitaLife reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse or cancel services, and/or refuse to distribute profits to any person for legitimate reasons, including, without limitation:
    if OneVitaLife has reason to believe that a person’s activities on the Site may be illegal;
    if OneVitaLife may be harmed by any fiscal or pecuniary damage due to anyone’s activities;
    if OneVitaLife considers that one or more operations on the Site were made in violation of this Agreement.
Either party (The Site or The User) may terminate this Agreement by giving 10 (Ten) days written notice of termination to the other. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately in any case of any breach of This Agreement or event of Default by the other Party. Upon terminating notice of This Agreement, The Client shall be under the obligation to close all open positions, otherwise, the notice shall become void, or the Company shall have the right to close all open positions without assuming any responsibility. Such closure may result in outcome that would be less favorable for The Client.
Upon termination, all amounts payable by Either Party to the other Party will become immediately due..
Termination shall not affect any outstanding rights and obligations according to the applicable law and the provisions of this this Agreement.
13. Withdrawal Payment Procedure
The OneVitaLife finance department supervises every deposit made and withdrawal request submitted. Identification documents must be submitted and approved for any withdrawal. OneVitaLife will not be responsible for any third-party transaction fees. The client is solely responsible for any payment of fees to or from as well as all requirements of third parties including but not limited to: affiliates, campaigns, financial institutions or processing companies.
In order to receive a withdrawal from the OneVitaLife trading account into the client’s personal banking or credit card, certain verification documents must be submitted into OneVitaLife and be fully processed and verified by the OneVitaLifes Risk Management Team. Once this step is complete, OneVitaLife will notify the client via email of the completion of process. The client must then follow the withdrawal request process within the system in order to complete the full request process. Please contact our OneVitaLife Compliance Team at [email protected]  or  your personal Account Manager for the specific details of documentation required.
Upon completion of the verification process, a withdrawal request may be submitted. OneVitaLife may take up to three business days to process the request. When your application is approved, it can take up to seven business days for the funds to be released.
14. Bonus
OneVitaLife provides attractive rewards features to its new and regular clients. Bonuses and one-time trading credits are part of the OneVitaLife Promotions Program. These bonuses are limited by time and the conditions related to any bonuses are subject to change.
To withdraw your bonus, you will be asked to perform a trading volume of at least 30 times the full bonus amount (Bonus Amount x 30). The bonus that is agreed to and received can be withdrawn only once the turnover stipulation has been fully respected and fulfilled. Any request to complete a withdrawal of funds from an account before completing the Terms of Bonus will be automatically canceled by the system. You must go through an additional screening process in order to receive a bonus; please speak with a OneVitaLife representative for full information.
Any indication of fraud, manipulation, cash back arbitrage or other forms of deceptive or fraudulent activity based on the provision of the bonus will invalidate the account as well as any profits or losses.
15. Limited Liability
We at OneVitaLife are committed to ensuring the continuity of Services on the Site. However, we assume no responsibility for any error, omission, deletion, interruption, delay or defect in operation or transmission, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access or alteration of the Site or Services. We decline responsibility for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, hardware or software, or any technical failure due to  technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, the Site or any Service.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall we be liable for any loss or damage arising from use of the Site or Services, for any content posted on or through the Site or Services, or the conduct of all users of the Site or Services, whether online or offline.
16. AML Procedures
Prohibited Uses: It is prohibited to abuse this Site for purposes of money laundering or other known or unknown illegal activities. OneVitaLife employs international anti-money laundering (AML) practices. OneVitaLife reserves the right at any time to refuse and to terminate any business relationship and to cancel any operation of customers who do not comply with the requirements of anti-money laundering:
    Online traders must provide all information required for registration.
    Traders’ earnings will be paid to the person who first registered for an account online.
    When a customer maintains an account through wire transfers, the gains will be distributed to the sole owner of the originating bank account. When depositing in this way, it is the responsibility of the live trader to ensure that the trader’s account number and the registered name of the account owner accompany every transfer to OneVitaLife.
When a transaction is made using a credit card or debit card, the winnings will be distributed solely to the person whose name appears on the card used to make the deposit and must be reimbursed on the same card.
Only one account is allowed per person. No gains can be levied on accounts opened under false names or multiple accounts opened by the same person.
    OneVitaLife may, from time to time at its sole discretion, require from a customer to provide additional proof of identity such as notarized passport copy or other means of identity verification as deemed necessary under the relevant circumstances and may, at its sole discretion, suspend an account until the required proof is provided.
17. Intellectual Property
Every item of content, trademark, service mark, trade name, logo and icon are the property of OneVitaLife or its affiliates or agents and are protected by law and international treaties and provisions relating to copyright. You agree not to remove copyright notices or other indications of protected intellectual property rights of any material you print or download from the Site. You will not obtain intellectual property rights, or any right or license to use such material or the Site, other than those set forth herein.
Images displayed on the Site are property of OneVitaLife. You agree not to upload, post, distribute or reproduce any information, software or other material protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights (including rights of publicity and privacy) without first obtaining permission from the copyright owner and the prior written consent of OneVitaLife.
18. Indemnification
You agree to defend and indemnify Our Company and its officers, directors, employees and agents and to hold them harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses, including, without limitation: reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the Site or Services; your violation of any of the terms in this Agreement; or your breach of any applicable laws or regulations.
19. General clause
Our company will not be liable in any way to any persons in the event of force majeure, or for the act of any government or legal authority. In the event that any provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. The failure of a party to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. Our company may assign this Agreement or any rights and/or obligations here-under without your consent.
Our company may change the content of This Agreement at any time without notification. You are solely responsible for the knowledge of all contained within, and of upholding all stipulations and provisions contained within This Agreement. Should you find that you no longer are willing or able to adhere to the provisions and stipulations stated in This Agreement, you must discontinue use of our Site  and Services immediately.
20. KYC (Know Your Client) Policy
Know Your Client policies have become increasingly important worldwide, specifically among banks and other financial institutions, in order to prevent identity theft, money laundering, financial fraud, and terrorist activity.
OneVitaLife holds a zero-tolerance fraud policy and takes all possible measures to prevent such activity occurring on The Site. Any fraudulent or illegal activity will be documented; any and all related accounts to the individual accused of fraudulent or illegal activity will be immediately closed. All funds in these accounts will be forfeited.
21. Verification Documentation Requirements
In order to receive a withdrawal, as per our KYC Policy, certain verification documents will be required. It is advised that these documents are submitted well before requesting a withdrawal in order to make the process as simple as possible. The following documents (and possibly others) are required in order to withdraw your funds from your OneVitaLife account:
    A government issued photo ID (in color; must be valid) belonging to and matching the account holder’s information in the account and on credit or debit card.
    Front and back of credit or debit card used to deposit (cover security code on back; cover middle 8 digits on front)
    A Utility bill or bank statement with matching photo and address of other documentation (dated within the past 2 months)
    Additional information may be required. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
22. Security and Data Protection
OneVitaLife aims to ensure the integrity of any sensitive data it obtains, such as your account information and the transactions you make, using a variety of security measures and fraud controls. Securing your electronic transactions requires us to be provided with certain data from you, including your preferred deposit method.
23. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement will be governed by in accordance with the laws of Belize without regard to its choice of law principles. Any legal action or proceeding arising in connection with this Agreement will be brought exclusively in courts of Belize, and the parties irrevocably consent to such personal jurisdiction and venue.